15:00 Sun, 23 Oct 2016 (Europe/London)
19:00 Sun, 23 Oct 2016 (Europe/London)
A social afternoon for dancing and practicing with friends old and new, all tangueros and tangueras welcome, irrespective of where you learn your Tango.
One dance floor for dancing in the ronda and a practice area to clarify material learned in class.
Ali Vale DJ's a wide selection of traditional tangos, milongas and vals with some alternative beats and a touch of Tango Nuevo thrown in for diversity.
Come along with a good, positive attitude and your dance shoes!
Tea, coffee, biscuits and cake in the Cafetín kitchen.
£8 per person
On this occasion we are delighted to welcome master teacher Diego Alvaro teaching a Milonga Traspie workshop from 12pm-2pm before non-stop dancing at El Cafetín de Tango from 3pm-7pm.