Join us for an evening starting with our Basic Technique class at 7:15pm then dancing in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere from 8:15pm to 11:00pm.
No partner required
No need to book
Dual-role friendly
7:15 - 8:15 Basic Technique Course for Argentine Tango
For complete Tango novices and experienced dancers who want to improve their core technique.
If you are looking to start Tango, refine your core technique, or as an experienced dancer looking to learn the other role then this is the class for you.
The Basic Technique Course covers:
The Tango Walk, Rock-step, Salida, Forward and Backward Ocho, Giro, the Cross and how to link these elements together.
8:15 - 11:00 Stepping Out Milonga
At our milongas we play mainly traditional music with a silent cortina.
Evening price:
£10 pay as you go
£45 for 5 sessions
£85 for 10 sessions
Tango Cheshire Class and Stepping Out Milonga
Wilmslow Grove Sports and Social Club