Celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee at our Argentine Tango Ball at Shepherdswell Village Hall, on Saturday 4th June.
We will be playing all your favourite Argentine Tango Tracks in Tandas of 3. The cortina will be a track of ballroom or latin music, making this an event to appeal to all dancers.
There will also be live Argentine Tango music by the internationally acclaimed harmonica virtuoso, Joe Powers, who is coming to Shepherdswell as part of his UK tour.
"For over 15 years, harmonica virtuoso, Joe Powers has performed at concerts, festivals, and milongas around the world from from Paris to Tokyo, collaborating with renowned Tango maestros, orquestas, and Electro-Tango fusion bands like Otros Aires, Tanghetto and Narcotango."
From 8-11pm, admission is just £12.00.
Dress to impress.
We are limiting the number of dancers, so please reserve a place by e-mail:
Argentine Tango Platinum Jubilee Ball
Shepherdswell Village Hall