Still having a ball, warmly we invite you to our last NeoTango event of 2019.
We are super excited to have international teacher and DJ Jean-Marc Vandel over from Switzerland to teach a workshop for us beforehand
(Booking in advance is advisable)
and to DJ for our evening Milonga (please see our 'NeoTango Milonga' listing for full details).
Jean-Marc has been a passionate dancer since the '90s.
He founded the association Tangofolie in Switzerland.
Jean-Marc has been teaching since 2004 and has been DJing Neo Tango at festivals now for over ten years.
In Jean-Marc’s workshop we will be listening to, and learning to identify and dance to, different Neotango musical nuances to expand our own dynamic range. Fast dynamics, from the doubling and quadrupling of our speed, to extreme slow motion in both steps and sequences.
This is a Neo event open to and welcoming everyone, both those who enjoy dancing in open embrace, and those who enjoy dancing in close embrace.
We are pleased to be back in the wonderfully atmospheric The Bristol Improv Theatre, enhanced and transformed once again by our ever so clever techies and VJs, Ian and Mark of Illuminati Entertainment.
If you find yourself needing a bite to eat, just down the road from West End multi-storey car park is the area known as The Triangle - formed around the roads Triangle West, Queens Road, Berkeley Square, and Triangle South - where many fine eateries are to be found.
Alternatively, just round the corner, is the ever wonderful Waitrose....
Saturday 2nd November 2019
Workshop 5pm - 6:30pm £15 (Booking in advance is advisable.)
Milonga 7pm - 11:50pm £12 (please see our 'NeoTango Milonga' listing for full details)
Workshop + Milonga £25
Tickets can be bought via EventBrite in advance,
or - subject to availability - on the door.
Venue :
The Bristol Improv Theatre
50 Saint Paul's Road
Parking :
On-street parking can be found on the streets around the venue (if The Force is strong within you !) or, better still,
at West End multi-storey car park, approximately 8 minutes walk away - address :
Berkeley Place,
Contact :
Anna via :
Abel via :
Please connect with us on FaceBook here :
and with the event here :
Further information about Jean-Marc can be found here :
and about Tangofolie here :
and about Nocturna here :
The Bristol Improv Theatre :
We very much look forward to welcoming you on the 2nd !
Saturday 2nd November 2019
Workshop 5pm - 6:30pm £15 (Booking in advance is advisable.)
Milonga 7pm - 11:50pm £12 (please see our 'NeoTango Milonga' listing for full details)
Workshop + Milonga £25
Tickets can be bought via EventBrite in advance,
or - subject to availability - on the door.
NeoTango Workshop with Jean-Marc Vandel
The Bristol Improv Theatre