£3 pp for the practica or if there's a workshop £5 pp for both
Usual Music style (but this is open to change).
First Sunday of each month: Su will supply the music - mainly traditional with an occasional tanda of Nuevo and Non -traditional.
Third Sunday of the month: Andy will supply the music: Mainly non traditional with occasional tandas of Nuevo and traditional - played in tandas of 3.
We don't follow the traditional rules at this event. So ask people to dance and please feel free to discuss how the dance is going with your dance partner.
It doesn't matter where you are on your tango journey - come and join us. You are all very welcome.
Tea, coffee and soft drinks provided - but it would be great and much appreciated if you bring a cake or something savoury to share with others. But don't feel you have to .....
£3 pp for practica
£5 pp if there is a workshop and practica
Derby Tango Practica
Spondon Village Hall
Derby Tango Practica
Spondon Village Hall
Derby Tango Practica
Spondon Village Hall
Derby Tango Practica
Spondon Village Hall
Derby Tango Practica
Spondon Village Hall
Derby Tango Practica
Spondon Village Hall