20:30 Tue, 31 Oct 2017 (Europe/London)
22:30 Tue, 31 Oct 2017 (Europe/London)
Argentine Tango course held by dancers and international masters Alejandro Angelica & Ornella Solar, through the TANGOPURO® system, is a path built into different types of lessons that work in synergy with each other. With this methodology, the student tries to explore its maximum potential in terms of its own level, and explore the main elements of Argentine Tango, such as musicality, improvisation, the relationship of the couple and his relationship to the social space, As well as creativity and fundamental communication for this type of dance.
Comfortable clothes, for man and woman classic shoes with a leather sole, woman with heels.
No experience necessary, No need to bring a partner, wear smooth soled shoes and comfortable clothes.
Just come along, no need to prebook
Lesson 10 £ one hour
+44 7776 528395
+44 7770 045542
Absolute Beginners 20.30
Ladies Technique 21.30