Edit History: Tango Revolution Brighton ~ a new Brighton Milonga
Revision: 1
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- Added workshop info
- Edited by
- Nicki Trench
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We're delighted to announce that we have DJ Joao Alves from Seville/Lisbon as our visiting DJ this month.
£10 milonga entry
Here's some photos of our last one: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nigelwdavies/sets/72157682405521096
Joao Alves will also be teaching a workshop before the Brighton and Lewes milongas :
These are one-hour workshops and held the hour before the milongas.
Saturday 8th July - Brighton venue
4.45pm - 5.45pm
Dissociation - an essential movement to improve and develop your social dancing skills. This will be developed in both the Parallel and the Cross System.
Workshop cost: £10
St George's Church, Kemp Town, Brighton BN2 1ED
Followed by the Brighton Tango Revolution Milonga
6pm till 11pm (Milonga cost £10) -
Previous Pricing
Entry : £10 please.
Revised Pricing
Entry : £10 please.
(£10 extra for workshop entry) -
Previous Description
**Saturday 8th July 2017 6pm to 11pm**
Following on from the H U G E success of the first Tango Revolution Brighton..... you are warmly invited to the second Tango Revolution Brighton, our new Brighton Milonga - to begin with occasional, eventually to become monthly.
Playing only the best traditional Tango music this is a Cabeceo friendly event with excellent floor craft.
A 5 hour Milonga in the beautiful St George's Church in Kemptown near the sea, we have a great DJ and excellent sound system and will be playing music for your dancing in the TTVTTM format with Cortinas, and with a Track/Tanda display.
There will also be a bar.
Entry : £10 please.
On Facebook, please click on 'Going' (and turn up !) and you will be entered into a draw to win FREE entry to our next Tango Revolution Brighton Milonga.
Venue address : [St George’s Church, St George’s Road, Kemptown, Brighton
BN2 1ED][1]
For more information please see our web site : [www.TangoRevolution.co.uk][2]
Facebook Group : [Tango Revolution Brighton][3]
Facebook Event : [https://www.facebook.com/events/1860023670934692/][4]
A Nicki Trench event.
Our next Tango Revolution Brighton Milonga is on Saturday 12th Auguast 2017, same time, same place. See you there too !
[1]: http://www.TangoRevolution.co.uk/places/st-georges-kemptown/
[2]: http://www.TangoRevolution.co.uk
[3]: https://www.FaceBook.com/groups/913484098786223/
[4]: https://www.FaceBook.com/events/1860023670934692/Revised Description
**Saturday 8th July 2017 6pm to 11pm**
Following on from the H U G E success of the first Tango Revolution Brighton..... you are warmly invited to the second Tango Revolution Brighton, our new Brighton Milonga - to begin with occasional, eventually to become monthly.
Playing only the best traditional Tango music this is a Cabeceo friendly event with excellent floor craft.
A 5 hour Milonga in the beautiful St George's Church in Kemptown near the sea, we have a great DJ and excellent sound system and will be playing music for your dancing in the TTVTTM format with Cortinas, and with a Track/Tanda display.
There will also be a bar.
Milonga entry : £10 please.
On Facebook, please click on 'Going' (and turn up !) and you will be entered into a draw to win FREE entry to our next Tango Revolution Brighton Milonga.
Venue address : [St George’s Church, St George’s Road, Kemptown, Brighton
BN2 1ED][1]
For more information please see our web site : [www.TangoRevolution.co.uk][2]
Facebook Group : [Tango Revolution Brighton][3]
Facebook Event : [https://www.facebook.com/events/1860023670934692/][4]
Our next Tango Revolution Brighton Milonga is on Saturday 16th September 2017, same time, same place. See you there too !
[1]: http://www.TangoRevolution.co.uk/places/st-georges-kemptown/
[2]: http://www.TangoRevolution.co.uk
[3]: https://www.FaceBook.com/groups/913484098786223/
[4]: https://www.FaceBook.com/events/1860023670934692/
Revision: 0
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- Created by Jolyon
- Edited by
- Jolyon